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Policy and strategy in global competition_ Rothaermel Exercises 3

Policy and strategy in global competition_ Rothaermel Exercises 3

Q Why is it important for an organization to have alignment between its strategy and structure?Discussion Question 11.2 The chapter describes the role of culture in the successful implementation of strategy. Consider an employment experience of your own or of someone you have observed closely (e.g., a family member). Describe to the best of your ability the values, norms, and artifacts of the organization. What was the socialization process of embedding the culture? Do you consider this to be an example of an effective culture for contributing to the organization’s competitive advantage? Why or why not? Question 12.1 How can a top management team lower the chances that key managers will pursue their own self-interests at the expense of stockholders? At the expense of the employees? At the expense of other key stakeholders?

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Strategy and structure has a very deep and dynamic relationship. Structure and strategy are interdependent and they often interact and influence each other. Strategies may change with time and the structures are also dynamic. When an organization is at its initial stage the functional strategy may follow a simple functional structure. The more complex the company gets the more it can strive on complex patterns of structures. At the initial stages entrepreneurs run companies in a simpler way and they function as an authority and all the employees function according to the decisions of the authority.